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Proxifier v1 for Mac (This is the Legacy Version)
  Technical Support

Please contact our support team using the following e-mail:

Before you contact us, please do the following:

  • Read through the Help file: it may already contain an answer to your question.
  • Please ensure that you are using the latest version of Proxifier available from

If you contact Technical Support, please provide as much information as you can about your problem, including:

  • Proxifier version and edition (from the About dialog) e.g. "Proxifier for Mac v1.5".
  • Mac OS X version e.g. Mac OS X 10.4.5.
  • Your Network Configuration (your IP address*, proxy server address and port, proxy server protocol (e.g. SOCKS), proxy server name (e.g. Squid or AnalogX).
  • The description of your problem (be as detailed and comprehensive as possible), details about what you were doing when the error occurred.
  • Proxifier messages (if any).
  • Proxifier registration information (if you're a registered user) – registered users get a higher support priority.

*We need the first byte of an IP address only. So you can specify IP addresses like 10.x.x.x, 192.x.x.x and etc.